Sunday, January 29, 2023

Your Guide to Being Single on Valentine’s Day

Let's just start by getting the very obvious (but very important!) out of the way: Being single on Valentine's Day—much like being single on literally any other day of the year—is very much not a big deal. (And, TBH, I kind of don't understand how or why we've even been conditioned to think that it is?) It's also not a reflection of your attractiveness, your value as a human being, or any of the other things Hallmark movies, rom-coms, and/or the Valentine's Day Industrial Complex want us to believe it is. Whether you're single by choice (hi, yes, that is a real and valid choice that people make!), getting over a breakup, or stuck in an ambiguous situationship, there's literally nothing weird about not having a romantic partner—on Valentine's Day or any other day.

That said, it's only natural to wonder what exactly you're supposed to do with yourself when you're single on a holiday that's all about being coupled up. The way I see it, you have two options. You can either ignore V-Day completely—which is totally valid and not even that hard—or you can use it as an excuse to celebrate you and/or the meaningful if not necessarily romantic relationships you do have in your life rn. And because I am a major proponent of taking advantage of absolutely any excuse to have a good time, I'd go with the latter.

The best part? When you're celebrating you, that means you get to celebrate on your own terms. In other words, being single on Valentine's Day means you get to spend an entire day doing whatever TF you want. In case you're in need of a little inspiration, here are a whole bunch of ways you can make the most of February 14 as the wonderfully single and sufficient person you are. You're welcome, babe.


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