You probably know by now that women make less money than men do—80 cents to the dollar on average, according to the 2017 U.S. Census. And the numbers are even more dismal for women of color: Black women make 61 cents for every dollar a man makes, while Latina women make 53 cents.
Want to know if you're one of these underpaid women? In honor of Equal Pay Day, start by hitting up your work husband or banding together with female colleagues to get them to share information about what guys they know (in your field) are making.
Having this knowledge is the first step toward doing something about it: When one 34-year-old woman who works in advertising recently found out she was making half as much as her male coworker (*faints*), she was galvanized: "I feel like I'm armed with knowledge I can use to better negotiate for myself," she says. "Like, I'm ready to go to war. Let's do this."
Here's what four other women did when they learned they were being paid less than the guys.
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