Sunday, January 8, 2023

At Least the New Gen Z Mindset on Work Gives Us High Hopes for 2023

Put a finger down if you've been personally victimized by a recent trend report about the ways in which Gen Z does and does not want to work. Put a finger down if you're way too familiar with boomers philosophizing about how you do your job, make your money, and live your life (millennial here, can relate). Put another finger down if you've heard the "findings" that your generation is coddled, that you expected upward of 364 mental health days a year, that you'll only work for a company that gives out free merch and massages. (I mean, sure, but how about full-coverage health care?)

Of course, and speaking of assumptions, every generation is known to poke and prod at the one before it, ragging on how different things are from how they used to be. But here's a better idea: Why not just...ask? Find out straight from the source what Gen Z really thinks about the current state of the workplace, about stuff like hiring, hybrid offices, and paychecks?

*clears throat* I give you Cosmopolitan's Future of Work survey, administered to actual members of Gen Z (and also to millennials for comparison) during a kinda fraught "post"-pandemic landscape where companies are reorienting how they manage employees and office life.


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